
Purpose & Function

FileBank puts all your Job and Project files where you need them, when you need them.

The FileBank is a convenient repository for any files associated with your P3Source Projects and Jobs . It saves everything attached to P3SOURCE emails and anything else you may upload into the P3Source FileBank. Along with storing the files, FileBank maintains meta-information and download histories for each file. By associating your files with your Jobs and Projects it makes it easy to find what you need quickly. It makes it easy to duplicate Jobs and Projects. And most importantly, it takes the stress off of your local computer, servers and storage devices.

Your FileBank files are stored using Amazon Web Services' (AWS) S3 technology, which regulates access, controls rights and encrypts files at rest. AWS S3 is a highly secure and highly available best-in-class service that meets and exceeds government and industry standards.

The key benefits of using the P3SOURCE FileBank are:

  • Convenience: All your necessary data in one centralized place. No needing to hunt for files from a 2 year old Job.
  • Security: Secured using AWS S3 technology, the market leader in secure cloud storage.
  • Persistence: As long as you maintain your P3Source account your data will persist with us.
  • Low-Cost: Compared to operating servers and storage backups or using other cloud storage services.
  • Reliability: We use best in class AWS technology that takes the headaches and stress out of data storage.

The Origin of FileBank Files

FileBank collects all files related to a Job or Project in P3Source. The sources for the files can be broken up into 3 categories:

  • The P3Source system,
  • The P3Connect Supplier Portal,
  • The P3Connect Customer Portal.


P3Source users have several ways to add to the FileBank. Conveniently, any files attached to your outgoing email messages automatically go into the FileBank. Otherwise users can select and upload files from any Job or Project.

  • Files attached to P3Source email
  • Files uploaded directly to FileBank
  • Files copied from other Jobs or Projects
  • Supplier Invoices uploaded through the Job Cost panel

P3Connect Supplier Portal

Print Suppliers often submit files with their Quotations and when they accept Orders and post Shipments. All those attachments go right into FileBank.

  • Files attached to RFQ Responses from Suppliers
  • Shipment documents submitted through the Supplier Portal

P3Connect Customer Portal

Your Customers may also send files through the P3Connect Customer portal. They can submit files when requesting new Projects or while a project is in process using P3Connect emails. They also have an opportunity to submit files when they use the P3Connect Ordering page to respond to your Project Proposals.

  • Files submitted with new P3Connect Projects
  • Files submitted with Proposal Responses Orders from Customers
  • Files submitted with P3Connect emails

FileBank List panel

The Filebank List panel shows all the files associated with a P3Source Project or Job entity that you currently have open. It also displays files attached to related Job or Project entities associated with the current entity. The "attached to" column in the list shows which entity each file is attached to. The other columns show other key attributes: Name, Size, Date Added and a count of the number of times the file has been Downloaded. At the bottom of the list panel there is a summary panel that shows even more detailed information about the file currently selected on the list.

File Bank Overview Page

FileBank File Summary panel

This panel at the bottom of the FileBank list shows detailed information about the currently selected file on the list.

  • The View button downloads the file to your local machine and automatically opens it for your viewing.
  • The Save As button allows you to choose where to download the file to on your local machine and then offers to open the file.
  • The Comment button allows you to leave a comment about the selected file.
  • The Remove button allows you to remove the selected file from the FileBank.
  • The Comments tab shows any comments added to the file.
  • The History tab shows all the previous download information, this includes:
    • Number of downloads
    • Date of download
    • Who downloaded it: either their IP address or their email address if they were authenticated when the file was downloaded.

Download History

How to Upload a File:

  1. In FileBank select the "Upload/Add" button to open a file explorer/browser.
  2. Then browse your file system till you find the file you want to upload.
  3. Then click "Select File".

Upload/Add Button

How to Download a File:

There are several ways to download a file, the "Save As" button and the view functionality. The view functionality can be accessed 2 different ways. NOTE View will automatically download the file to your temporary directory and open the file. Double clicking the file in the file list runs the view function.

To download using "Save As" follow the below steps.

  1. In FileBank select the "Save As" button after selecting a file from the list.
  2. Then choose a destination on your local machine to download the file to.
  3. Then click "Select Folder"

Save As Button

How to Copy from another Job/Project:

  1. In FileBank select the "Copy Files From..." button. That will open the Search Archive dialog window for searching Jobs and Projects to copy files from.
  2. Search for the Job or Project that you want to copy from.
  3. Once found, highlight and select the Job or Project.

NOTE If a Job or Project is a copy of an old Job/Project, the old Job or Project number will automatically show up in the search field. This makes it quick and easy to pull files from previous printings.

Limitations & Exclusions

With the P3Source FileBank, space and file sizes are generally not limited. However, there are a few Exceptions:

  • Storage time is limited to as long as you maintain your P3Source account.
  • P3Source email attachment uploads are limited to 50MB in size.
  • Practicality limits the size of some files as they can have very long upload times.
  • Lastly, P3Software retains the right to exclude inappropriate or abusive storage of materials unrelated to the Procurement process. Files unrelated to a Job or Project may be removed and may be considered a violation of P3Source Terms of Service.

Please note: P3Source email attachments are not email attachments in the usual sense. The P3Source email message contains only hyperlinks to the File Bank files. This allows P3Source emails to include larger files than typical emails can have. Most email service providers limit file attachments to 25MB or less and subject attachments to screening and removal, which can significantly delay delivery. The smaller size of P3Source emails puts less load on the recipients email services and allows faster transmission.